• Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Title: Antoine Cassar朗誦會: 護照-與難民和移民攜手
Location: 序言書室 (旺角西洋菜南街68號7樓)
Description: PASSPORT-Solidarity with refugees and migrants

Date: 24 Aug (Tuesday)
Time: 20:00-22:00
Place:HK Reader Bookstore(7F, 68 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kong,Kowloon)
…Guess: Antoine Cassar/ Desmond Sham and special guests
In solidarity with all fellow citizens and villagers of the world who, with or without a passport, do not enjoy the fundamental right to leave or return to their country (Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), nor the fundamental right to request asylum from persecution (Article 14), the event also represents a call for action and participation. Members of the audience are invited to bring along their passports, or any other form of ID, in order to symbolically ‘renounce’ their nationalities during the recital. All documents will be hung from a washing line on stage, and returned by hand at the end of the performance.
The Passport will be on sale for a minimum donation, with all proceeds going to a local NGO in Hong Kong providing assistance to migrants and refugees.
地點:序言書室 (旺角西洋菜南街68號7樓)
嘉賓:Antoine Cassar/洛謀/神秘嘉賓
Antoine Cassar, born in London to Maltese parents in 1978, Antoine Cassar grew up between England, Malta and Spain, and worked and studied in Italy, France and Luxembourg. In 2004, after a thirteen-year absence from the Maltese islands, he returned to the village of his family to re-learn a language he had long forgotten. He lives in Madrid. A writer of Maltese, English and multilingual verse, in 2008 he took part in the Puglia BJCEM, and recited his poetry with Nabil Salameh of the Italo-Palestinian musical band Radiodervish. His book Mużajk, an exploration in multilingual verse (Skarta, 2008) was presented at the Leipzig Book Fair and at the poetry festivals of Copenhagen and Berlin. In 2009, his composition Merħba, a poem of hospitality was awarded the United Planet Writing Prize. His Maltese poems have been translated into almost a dozen languages, including Spanish, French, Russian, Mandarin, Kannada and Japanese. Cassar’s latest and most important poetic work, Passport (2009), printed in the form of an anti-passport for all peoples and all landscapes, has been published and presented in several languages, with profits donated to local associations providing assistance to migrants and asylum seekers.
—————————————-詩人簡介:Antoine Cassar,馬耳他裔,1978年出生於倫敦,在英國、馬耳他、西班牙長大,在意大利、法國和盧森堡工作和學習。2004年,他回到久別了13年的馬耳他,重新學習已遺忘了的母語。他現居於馬德里,是一個馬耳他語、英語、多語詩人,曾於2008年歐洲及地中海青年藝術家大會上,與意大利-巴基斯坦樂隊Radiodervish的Nabil Salameh一起讀詩,著有《Mużajk, an exploration in multilingual verse》、《Merħba, a poem of hospitality》、《Passport》等,其馬耳他語詩作曾被譯作西班牙語、法語、俄語、華語、日語、卡納達語等多種語言。
a poem by Antoine Cassar
illustrated by Asya Reznikov and Noel Tanti
English adaptation by Albert Gatt and Antoine Cassar

Launched in Malta to a warm and highly participative audience on 30th December 2009, and subsequently in Rome, Luxembourg, Paris, Madrid and Seoul, Passport is a poem of humanity, an open song of eroticism and friendship, yet at the same time, a lullaby for a long list of human rights crushed by the consequences of the discriminatory migratory policy of several governments. It is the lament of thousands of brothers and sisters, of flesh and blood, ever more frequently forced to suffer the absurdities and atrocities brought about by the static notion of nation state.
Passport is an anti-passport, valid for all peoples and for all landscapes. A declaration of universal citizenship, the vision of a world where the fear of barriers and frontiers has long been overcome. A world without customs and checkpoints, without border police out to snatch away the dawn, without the need for forms, documents, or biometric data… A world without the need to cross the desert barefoot, nor to float off on a raft, on an itinerary of hope all too quickly struck out by the realities of blackmail and exploitation. The modulating verses of the poem, the alliteration and anaphora, give force to a voice looking to quicken the planetary conscience of the listener.
Valid for all peoples, and for all landscapes. For all citizens and villagers of flesh and blood, wherever they were born. Your worth is not proportional to the population of your country. Entry free of duty, no need for a stamp or visa, the doors are unscrewed from the jambs.

作者:Antoine Cassar
插畫:Asya Reznikov與Noel Tanti
英譯:Albert Gatt與Antoine Cassar



this passport

for all peoples,

with a rainbow flag, and the emblem of a migratory goose encircling the globe,

in all the languages you want, official or dialect,

in ocean blue, or dried blood red, or coal black ready for burning, the choice is yours,

take it where you will, your passage is safe and unobstructed, the door unscrewed from the jambs,

you can enter and leave without fear, there is no one to stop you,

no one to jump you in the queue or send you to the back, there’s no need to wait,

no one to say Ihre Papiere bitte, quickening your heartbeat with the pallour of his finger,

no one to squint or glare at you according to the gross domestic product per capita of the nation you’ve left behind,

Start Time: 20:00
Date: 2010-08-24
End Time: 22:00

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